Artists of the Year offers over $600,000 in grants and awards to artist participants.
Awards are determined by both a public voting and juried award process. Public votes select both a grand prize award winner and category winners in each of the six entry categories. Juried awards are selected by a panel of experts in each of the six entry categories:
2D – Entries that exist primarily on a flat plane. Painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, and most textiles are examples of 2D work.
3D – Entries that occupy space and are intended to be viewed from multiple angles. Sculptures that are not site-specific (see the installation category for site-specific sculptures) belong in the 3D category.
Time-Based – Entries that are durational and change over time. The viewer has to spend some time with the work to fully view it. This includes performance, video and film, dance, music, and interactive work.
Installation – Entries that are dependent on the site in which they are installed. The location is not a neutral ground and is an important element of the work. Installation is different from 3D in that changing the location of the piece would dramatically change the work.
New Media – Entries that are created using a wide range of emerging digital art technologies. This can include but is not limited to animation, VR/AR, projection mapping, visual data analysis and display, video games, and generative art practices (as tools to produce and display artworks). Note: ArtPrize only recognizes humans as artists and designers eligible to receive prizes (but acknowledges that humans need creative tools).
+Design – Entries that are physical expressions of purpose with the intent to impact the way life is experienced. +Design entries may belong to any of design disciplines including fashion design, furniture design, automotive design, architecture, urban design, industrial design, etc.
A variety of grants are offered to artists (and venues) who are intended to bring a dynamic and diverse range of art and design to Artists of the Year. These grants are highly competitive and look to support talented local, regional, and international artists and designers of all disciplines.
For more information and grants and awards, visit the link below.